Voice digitizer

MMU2-63RDB Description

1.750 inches overall height, 16.250 inches overall width, rectangular or square basic shape style.

Properties of MMU2-63RDB

Overall Height:
1.750 inches
Overall Width:
16.250 inches
Basic Shape Style:
Rectangular or square
Cage Code:

Definition Voice Digitizer

An item that analyzes voice signals, converts them to a set of digital parameters, and transmits them over a digital data link or telephone line. at the receiving end, another voice digitizer produces synthesized voice, designed for human speech reprodiction. converts voice to a digital bit stream suitable for half/full-duplex transmission. both speech and data can be transmitted simultaneously using multiplexers. may be used in conjunction with encryption equipment, data multiplexers, and modems to form a secure voice system that will enable it to be operated over standard data networks.

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Last modified 04/27/2024