CI HAA02/1007A

Telemetric data receivin control

CI HAA02/1007A Description

Western range command/control/display data processing group end item identification, external power source, the telemetry intergrated processing miscellaneous systems consists of the manual bit sync source selector system (mbsss) , tips range safety optical interface system, status display .


The telemetry intergrated processing miscellaneous systems consists of the manual bit sync source selector system (mbsss), tips range safety optical interface system, status display and control console (sdcc), automatic tape degausser, visicorder, scope monitor, data terminals, and the raw data switch, the mdsss provides the capability for console operators to route signals to the pcm synchronization and decommutation stations from taer and the clear text area, the sdcc controls the operations of the telemetry processing system by initiating/terminating operations and allocating equipment, the tips range safety optical interface system converts the telemetered inertial guidance (tmig) data from the telemetry preprocessor (tpp) to an optical signal and transmits it to the data switch for the range safety displays

Properties of CI HAA02/1007A

End Application:
Western range command/control/display data processing group
Power Source:
Control,telemetric Data Receivin
Cage Code:

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Last modified 04/29/2024