
Audio control unit assembly

82A5034A2200 Description

5820-01-190-8668 light signal monitor end item identification, 01365-82a5034a2200 drawing (this is the basic governing drawing, such as a contractor drawing, original equipment manufacturer drawing, etc.; excludes any specification, standard or other document that may be referenced in a basic governing drawing) test data document.

Properties of 82A5034A2200

End Application:
5820-01-190-8668 light signal monitor
Test Data Document:
01365-82a5034a2200 drawing (this is the basic governing drawing, such as a contractor drawing, original equipment manufacturer drawing, etc.; excludes any specification, standard or other document that may be referenced in a basic governing drawing)
General Description:
Vc/o air intake frame assembly 1; acu front panel assembly 1; acu card cage assembly 1; acu interface panel assembly 1; base plate assembly 1; battery box assembly 1; capacitor 2; connector 2; power supply 1; power supply mounting plate 1
Purchase Description Identification:
Fsc Application Data:
Light signal monitor
Audio Control Unit Assembly
Cage Code:

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Last modified 06/30/2024