
Permanent magnet loudspeaker

M10911/7-01 Description

1.250 inches overall depth, 2.922 inches overall length, 2.500 inches overall width, 0.125 inches mounting hole diameter, 2.10 watts normal power rating.

Properties of M10911/7-01

Overall Depth:
1.250 inches
Overall Length:
2.922 inches
Overall Width:
2.500 inches
Mounting Hole Diameter:
0.125 inches
Frequency Response Range In Hertz:
Power Rating:
2.10 watts normal
Transducer Diameter:
2.922 inches
Transducer Length:
3.535 inches
Transducer Width:
2.500 inches
Transducer Type:
Impedance Rating In Ohms:
Between 4.0 voice coil and 8.0 voice coil
Style Designator:
Test Data Document:
81349-mil-l-10911 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures, etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "", etc.).
Loudspeaker,permanent Magnet
Cage Code:

Definition Permanent Magnet Loudspeaker

A loudspeaker whose diaphragm movements are produced by a coil or iron armature moving in the field of a permanent magnet.

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Last modified 06/16/2024