CI HAA02AA/1927

Signal data processor group

CI HAA02AA/1927 Description

Western range command/control/display data processing group end item identification, the pcm synchronization & decommutation station is part of the front end of the telemetry processing system, it consists of eight pcm decommutation units, which contain a bit synchronizer .


The pcm synchronization & decommutation station is part of the front end of the telemetry processing system, it consists of eight pcm decommutation units, which contain a bit synchronizer and a programmable decommutator, eight time code translators and eight data commpressors

Properties of CI HAA02AA/1927

End Application:
Western range command/control/display data processing group
Processor Group,signal Data
Cage Code:

Definition Signal Data Processor Group

A collection of items, which receive, store and process digital and/or analog data. The data may be received from radio frequency electro-magnetic waves or from external sources.

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Last modified 06/02/2024