
Unitized jumper array

7585966P18 Description

Acft model e-2c end item identification, 99971-7540578 drawing (this is the basic governing drawing, such as a contractor drawing, original equipment manufacturer drawing, etc.; excludes any specification, standard or other document that may be referenced in a basic governing drawing) test data document.

Properties of 7585966P18

End Application:
Aircraft model e-2c
Test Data Document:
99971-7540578 drawing (this is the basic governing drawing, such as a contractor drawing, original equipment manufacturer drawing, etc.; excludes any specification, standard or other document that may be referenced in a basic governing drawing)
General Description:
Hermetically sealed flat pack; 16 leads; 0.370 in. Min, 0.434 in. Max lg; 0.750 in. Min o/a w; 0.049 in. Min, 0.080 in. Max thk
Jumper Array,unitized
Cage Code:

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Last modified 06/13/2024