
Computer subassembly

333714-B21 Description

Processor upgrade usage design, hp Intel xeon 3.2 GHZ-1M/533 mhz processor kit , clock speed 3.2 ghz bus speed 533 mhz instruction set X86 to risc cache level 1 size 8 kb architecture features streaming simd extensions 2, hyper-threading technology; installed size L2 512 kb L3 cache 1 mb compatible slots 1 x processor socket 604 .


Clock speed 3.2 ghz; bus speed 533 mhz; instruction set x86 to risc; cache level 1 size 8 kb; architecture features streaming simd extensions 2, hyper-threading technology; installed size l2 512 kb l3 cache 1 mb; compatible slots 1 x processor socket 604

Properties of 333714-B21

Usage Design:
Processor upgrade
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Hp intel xeon 3.2 ghz-1m/533 mhz processor kit
Computer Subassembly
Cage Code:

Definition Computer Subassembly

Two or more different types of items, having a common mounting or mounted on each other which together form a portion of a computer, but which in itself is not a complete functioning item and cannot be assigned a more definite item name.

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Last modified 06/01/2024