
Satellite configuration control

Properties of AN/FSQ-132

End Application:
Navstar global positioning system (gps)
Functional Description:
Cprovides computational support and control of the global positioning system (gps). Special features: provides emi/emc and red/black shielding of equipment; uses crypto gear-needs security
Satellite Configuration Control
Cage Code:

Definition Satellite Configuration Control

A distributed structure of items collocated as a set which includes a combination of console, (as modified); computer, (as modified); display unit; input/output devices, interface unit, connection devices, power supply; distribution panels, special units, and the like. It is a combination of hardware and software designed to control and monitor special satellite spacecraft platform and communications payload configuration. System may be used to provide system test capabilities, system training capabilities and/or operator support. excludes defense satellite communications system operational support system.

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Last modified 07/05/2024