63E916165G9 ITEM A101

Electrical-electronic eq chassis

Properties of 63E916165G9 ITEM A101

End Application:
Computer logic assembly 63e915795g2/63e916165g8; computer logic assembly 63e915795g6/63e916165g6; computer logic assembly 63e915795g3/63e916165g3; computer logic assembly 63e915795g4/63e916165g10; computer logic assembly 63e915795g5/63e916165g11; computer logic assembly 63e915795g1/63e916165g7
Chassis,electrical-electronic Eq
Cage Code:

Definition Electrical-electronic Eq Chassis

A box, frame, or plate fabricated of electrically conductive material designed to mount, but which does not include, electronic components and their associated circuitry. it may have facilities for attachment to a rack or cabinet or to accommodate specially designed components. it may include a shielding function, integral wiring, and mounting hardware as part of the item. excludes mounting base, electrical equipment.

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Last modified 05/19/2024