60 0315/60 0331

Drafting machine and drawing boa

60 0315/60 0331 Description

C/o 60 0315 right-hand drafting machine 1; 60 0331 horizontal track 1 .


C/o 60 0315 right-hand drafting machine 1; 60 0331 horizontal track 1

Properties of 60 0315/60 0331

Drawing Maximum Size For Which Designed:
+37.500/+50.000 inches
Drafting Machine And Drawing Boa
Cage Code:

Definition Drafting Machine And Drawing Boa

An instrument consisting of a jointed arm with one end fastened to a rectangular shaped board and the other end free to move over the surface of the board. Attached to the free end of the arm is either a triangle, a protractor head and triangle, or a protractor head and l-square.

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Last modified 04/27/2024