
Computer subassembly

IC693CPU351 Description

1 module component type and quantity, single slot cpu module , prcessor speed- 25megahertz; 80386ex type processor; discrete input & output points = 2.048; three built in serial ports; 1, 280 bits of discrete global memory; 4, 096 bits internal coils & 256 bits output (temp) coils; ram & flash type memory storage; battery backed clock; shift registers; timers/couters > 2, 000; operating temp 0 to 60 degrees .


Prcessor speed- 25megahertz; 80386ex type processor; discrete input & output points = 2.048; three built in serial ports; 1, 280 bits of discrete global memory; 4, 096 bits internal coils & 256 bits output (temp) coils; ram & flash type memory storage; battery backed clock; shift registers; timers/couters > 2, 000; operating temp 0 to 60 degrees

Properties of IC693CPU351

Component Type And Quantity:
1 module
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Single slot cpu module
Computer Subassembly
Cage Code:

Definition Computer Subassembly

Two or more different types of items, having a common mounting or mounted on each other which together form a portion of a computer, but which in itself is not a complete functioning item and cannot be assigned a more definite item name.

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Last modified 06/02/2024