Ground sensor and area surveilla

DFT-DIABLO-FCD-01 Description

Bible unit is a compact, multifunction field computing device with an integrated high-sensitivity gps receiver, wi-fw .


Biablo unit is a compact, multifunction field computing device with an integrated high-sensitivity gps receiver, wi-fw and bluetooth. Uses android osto allow integration of rapidly emerging tactical apps. Applications includes; battlefield situational awareness, rugged android device, allowing customization for unique applications and ensuring long term product availability andsupport.

Properties of DFT-DIABLO-FCD-01

Ground Sensor And Area Surveilla
Cage Code:

Definition Ground Sensor And Area Surveilla

An unattended ground system that provides near real time situational awareness in an area that is under surveillance. It may consist of seismic, acoustic, magnetic, infrared sensors, and/or cameras, portable computers and communications. The sensors may be located in an array or singularly (depending on type of sensor) and will detect vehicles or dismounted personnel in the area under surveillance and report this detection back to a workstation for analysis using a radio frequency (rf) or satellite communications (satcom) link. The system may also provide tamper detection status reports, battery status and map overlays of sensor locations and activity within the area of surveillance.

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Last modified 04/29/2024