Semitrailer Mounted Radar Sets

14 total part numbers.
NSN 1430-01-052-5080
NSN 1430-01-087-6330
  • End Application: Patriot
13039088 Alternates: 1772-13, KA91ZZ
NSN 1430-01-184-6768
13219212 Alternates: 1774-13, A2000020, KA91ZZ
NSN 1430-01-191-8780
  • Special Features: 192.000 in.Lg; 118.500 in.W; 134.500 in.H
NSN 1430-01-210-8562
NSN 1430-01-210-8563
NSN 1430-01-210-8564
NSN 1430-01-210-8565
NSN 1430-01-256-2988
13038516 Alternates: 1774-12, A2000007, A2000008
NSN 1430-01-292-6281
NSN 1430-01-418-4396
  • End Application: Patriot, surface to air missiles
NSN 1430-01-462-8504
  • End Application: Hawk, improved surface to air missile
NSN 1430-01-462-8505
  • End Application: Hawk, improved surface to air missile
NSN 1430-01-622-9674
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