
Aerial photoflash cartri ejector

LE1900-1 Description

Design data, 1 unit, 26 barrels, 26 rounds; designed to eject type m112 cartridge; not rated formax firing speed speed; w/salvo circuit; not designed for mtg in specific aircraft; operating power data, dc, 28 v; over-all dim., 16.750 in.Lg, 16.750 in.W, 13.000 in.H; wt, 26.500 lb .


Design data, 1 unit, 26 barrels, 26 rounds; designed to eject type m112 cartridge; not rated formax firing speed speed; w/salvo circuit; not designed for mtg in specific aircraft; operating power data, dc, 28 v; over-all dim., 16.750 in.Lg, 16.750 in.W, 13.000 in.H; wt, 26.500 lb

Properties of LE1900-1

Ejector,aerial Photoflash Cartri
Cage Code:

Definition Aerial Photoflash Cartri Ejector

A device for firing in sequence photoflash cartridges, for use in taking night photographs from aircraft.

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Last modified 04/24/2024