
Navigational computer


Lplastic; o/a 8.5 in. Dia, 0.625 in. Thk; furnished w/case; 1 sc ea listed sc name/sc range/sm increments grad to 360 deg/1 deg, lat/0 to 90 deg/0.5 deg, motion of body/0 to 15 min/0.1 min, polaris q factor, polaris zn correction/0 to p2.1 to 0 and 0 to m2.1 to 0 deg/0.1 deg, lat/equator to 65 degrees n/5 deg, aircraft lat/1 to 70 deg/1 deg, coriolis correction/0.1 to 59 min/0.1 min, star relative bearing/0 to 89.5 deg/0.5 deg, motion of observer correction/1 to 9 min/0.5 min, ground speed/90 to 2000 knots/10 knots, dist/var and intercept dist/2 ea 0 to 120 miles/1 mile, 0 degrees lat gnc template peripheral zn/0 to 360 deg/1 deg, 0 degrees lat gnc template subtraction/0 degrees lat jn template peripheral zn/0 to 360 deg/1 deg, 0 degrees lat jn template

Properties of MILC27439

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Definition Navigational Computer

A computer for the determination of two or more mavigational factors which determines the position, course and distance of an aircraft, missile, vessel or ground vehicle. Do not use if a more specific item mane applies. See also computer, altitude-azimith; computer, azimuth; computer, bomb-navigational; computer, correction; computer, course-distance; computer, flight director; computer, heading; computerm heading-track; computer, mach number; computer, magenetic variation; computer, present position; computer, range; computer, speed and latitude correction; computer, stabilization data; computer, target intercept; and computer, track.

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Last modified 04/25/2024