
Restric anti-intrusion alarm set

M106E Description

Biss end item identification, original name remote detection biss the M106E is similar to the M105E with the exception that it supports the use of insensitive fiber optic leads; these leads may be used when the sensing zone is remote to the desired location of the alarm processing unit .


Original name remote detection biss; the m106e is similar to the m105e with the exception that it supports theuse of insensitive fiber optic leads; these leads may be used when the sensing zone is remote to the desired location of the alarm processing unit

Properties of M106E

End Application:
Alarm Set,anti-intrusion,restric
Cage Code:

Definition Restric Anti-intrusion Alarm Set

A complete electronic set that provides an alerting signal to guard and protect personnel upon the entrance of unauthorized personnel or objects into a forbidden area or installation. Consists of centrally located monitoring and indicating equipment and associated surveillance and detecting elements, such as photoelectric cells, electrically charged fence, capacitance fence, or any combination of these and other types of anti-intrusion systems. May include wire communication facilities within the system.

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Last modified 04/25/2024