Analog to digital converter


Isyncro/resolver to digital, angular range 0/360 degrees continous rotation porm .01 deg, tracking rate no error 100 deg/sec, syncronizing time/180 degrees step input/less than 0.5 sec, display 5 digit, 7 segment leds, resolution .01 deg, reference input 115v porm 15.5 v rms or 26v porm 2.6 v rms, freq 400 porm hz, phase relative to signal porm 20 deg, input impedance 25 kohms min., isolation transformer 1500v off ground, signal input syncro or resolver 11.8v/26v/90v, digital outputs shaft angle 5bcd buffered decades, analog output range porm 90 minutes, scale factor 100 mv/minute, output impedance 100 ohms, power input impedance 220v porm 10% rms, 30 va maz, 48-62 hz, 19.00 in. W, 3.47 in. H, 13.88 in. Dp, slide mtd on standard 19 in. Rack

Properties of 6067

Converter,analog To Digital
Cage Code:

Definition Analog To Digital Converter

A device that changes an analog voltage sample to an equivalent digital code of some finite resolution. It is also called a digitizer and adc encoder. It includes both electronic and mechanical types or combinations thereof. Excludes microcircuit (1), (as modified)

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Last modified 05/28/2024